Large diamond plate sign of the Component Rebuild Center at Wheeler Machinery.

Component Rebuild Center

Rebuild Center

Wheeler Machinery’s Specialization Shop has the ability to service and repair your engine, transmission, torque converter, hydraulic pumps and cylinders from any type of equipment. With our certified technicians, engine and pump dynamometers as well as a transmission test bench, we can find the problem, repair it and test your engine or transmission before it is placed back into your equipment.

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Component Rebuild Center

Wheeler Machinery’s Specialization Shop has the ability to service and repair your engine or transmission from any type of equipment. With out certified technicians, engine Dyno and transmission test bench, we can find the problem, repair it and test your engine or transmission before it is placed back into your equipment

  • 33,000 square feet
  • 50 CRC Technicians
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Component Disassembly

  • Specialized tear down technicians disassemble all components
  • Tear down inspections are performed by technicians/team leaders
  • All components are disassembled as per documented processes
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Parts Cleaning

  • JRI Industries turn table washers (4)
  • Large enough to accommodate a C175 engine block
  • Wash water is recycled
  • Incorporate an anti-rusting chemical in water
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Component Assembly

  • Components are assembled using documented assembly procedures
  • Components are QC checked at critical assembly points
  • Technicians have access to in-bay computers
  • Technicians have assigned bays eliminating excessive movements
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Engine Dynamometer Testing

  • Dyno runs off of a 10,000-gallon water tank mounted in the floor
  • Heat exchanger handles 500 gallons per hour
  • Capable of testing C175 with ATAAC
  • 2000 gallon fuel tank
  • Capable of testing low and high-pressure NG
  • Taylor Dynamometers
    Taylor DX31 50 – 1000 HP
    5000 Lbs. Ft. Torque
    DX5000 5000 + HP
    44,000 Lbs. Ft. Torque
    Second one built in North America
  • Both Dynamometers can be operated simultaneously
Taylor dynamometer at Wheeler Machinery used to test hydraulic pumps

Pump Dynamometer Testing

Our test bench is designed to test heavy-duty, off-highway hydraulic components.  The bench offers full functionality to test all types of pumps and motors including: transmissions, hydraulic motors, hydraulic cylinders, valve blocks, torque converters, open and closed loop pumps. We test Cat and non-Cat components

  • 500 HP Taylor Dynamometer
  • 750 gallon component reservoir
  • Peak torque: 1,738 lb-ft
  • High capacity 20,000 Ib work support with integral sump
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Paint and Storage

  • All components are painted before shipping
  • Components are painted with a “As New” appearance
  • All components are mounted on shipping stands
  • Components are bagged for contamination control before leaving the shop
  • Exchange components are stored in our component exchange facility
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Onsite Support

  • Field support to ensure all components work together to provide the most productive equipment in the industry
  • Extended Warranties
  • Online component tracking
  • Condition Monitorting