2023 Cat AP655
Price: $567,000
Hours 336
Rating As-Is
Serial Num 66800162
Used Hotline N/A
Location Hurricane, UT
Product Specifications
Adapter, Vibe Screed
Apron, Str Hyd Fold, Mts
Certificate Of Origin
Commissioning, Not Needed
Control, Base Cat G&s System
Cover, No Decel Pedal
Cylinder Kit, Standard
Engine, Cat C4.4
Extension, 6" Auger, Pair
Extension, Mainframe, Power
Flashing, Str Hyd Fold, Rgd
Guide, Steering
Heater, Engine Coolant, 120v
Hose, Reel With Wand
Indicator, Tow Point
Instructions, Ansi
Lane 3 Order
Light, Hazard
Lights, Working
Online Owner's Manual
Paint, Standard, Ansi/iso
Panel, Power Supply
Plate, Standard Wear Life
Priced 11/15/24 Da (auto Grease)
Product Link, Cellular Ple641
Push Roller, Oscillating
Roll On-roll Off
Seat, Vinyl, Basic
Sensor, Feeder, Sonic
Sensor, Grade, Sonic, Extend
Sensor, Slope
Steering, Spring Return
Tank, Washdown
Track, Mts, Smooth
Umbrella, Cat
Ventilation System, No Canopy