Compact with Compaction Algorithm combines advanced compaction measurement, in-cab guidance for operators, and reporting capabilities for managers. Includes a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver and mapping display.
Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) helps operators map pass counts based on low accuracy satellite positioning. Factory standard for 836, upgrade available for other models.
Factory upgradable Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) utilizes an elevation-based compaction algorithm to identify when the machine has achieved maximum compaction.
Operators can monitor areas of coverage and the number of passes made via a color display.
Monitor slopes to plan and control layer thickness.
Utilize asset hours effectively.
High accuracy pass count and elevation mapping features help the operator visualize the work as it occurs, achieving better density.
Ensures that the compactor covers the entire jobsite and produces uniform work, eliminating over-compaction.
Indicates problem areas and allows for remediation while the workface is open to help lower costs.
Enables operators to more effectively achieve proper grade utilizing design files while maximizing compaction.
The touchscreen interface offers easy access to information to help operators of any experience level work more efficiently.
Utilize the optional VisionLink® Productivity for Landfill application to track volumes, density, cut/fill data, and more. Stay informed of your operation and drive improvements that maximize the life of your landfill.
Operators can visualize the work they perform and quickly identify areas of concern.
Compact technologies feature the Landfill Compaction Algorithm (LCA), which tells the operator when a layer is compacted.