Cat Dozer Undercarriage

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Caterpillar Dozen Undercarriage Parts & Services

Every Cat Dozer Undercarriage is designed by Caterpillar engineers and built to exact specifications based on the real-world experience of our customers. So, when you choose a Cat Bulldozer Undercarriage or Cat Bulldozer Undercarriage parts, you know it’s not just the right choice, it’s the best choice.

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Wear Life Assurance Programs for Cat Dozer Undercarriages

The Cat Dozer Undercarriage Assurance Programs were developed to provide you the lowest cost-per-hour Cat dozer undercarriage systems. Assurance Programs offer you support beyond the standard new machine or parts warranties. They cover all major moving undercarriage components on Cat Track-Type Tractors, Track-Type Loaders and Track-Type Hydraulic Excavators.

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Caterpillar Dozer Undercarriages Custom Track Service (CTS)

An improperly managed Cat dozer undercarriage can account for more than half of machine maintenance costs. That’s why we provide Custom Track Service (CTS), our comprehensive program for managing your undercarriage system, which uses the most advanced diagnostic equipment available, like the Ultrasonic Wear Indicator.

With CTS, we can accurately monitor Cat bulldozer undercarriage performance and predict wear rates, so you can evaluate service options, plan your maintenance and schedule downtime. Overall, CTS analysis, which can be completed on your job site, helps you make informed decisions that keep your operating costs as low as possible.


Cat Dozer Undercarriage Parts Availability

Our industry-standard Cat Dozer Undercarriage parts distribution network makes most new parts available to you from anywhere in the world, usually within 24 hours.

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Cat Dozer Undercarriage Operating Checklist

  • Always use the narrowest shoe possible that still allows adequate flotation.
  • Minimize high operating speeds in nonproductive situations, especially in reverse.
  • Alternate turning direction since turning only in one direction wears out one side of the machine faster than the other.
  • Monitor track spin, since it reduces production while increasing wear on all undercarriage components.
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Cat Dozer Undercarriage Maintenance Tips

  • Adjust the track for correct tension. Always adjust track in its working environment. Correct track adjustment is critical.
  • Tighten the track hardware correctly, using Caterpillar torque-turn method.
  • Make daily visual inspections of the equipment. Check for loose bolts, leaking seals, and abnormal wear.
  • Keep the Cat bulldozer undercarriage clean of mud and debris so rollers can turn properly.
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Variables that Affect Bulldozer Undercarriage Life

The variables that determine undercarriage system life and wear balance between components can be divided into three major groupings.

  • The first are those that are controllable. Controllable variables would include track tension, shoe width, machine balance, and alignment of components.
  • The second major group, non-controllable variables, are 100 percent determined by the underfoot conditions. They include impact, abrasiveness, packing, moisture, terrain and even machine application (what the machine is doing).
  • The third major group is partially controllable variables. These mainly involve machine operator controllable events or “habits”, including working the load always on one side of the machine.

A thorough knowledge of each of the elements of all these three major groups is essential if you are to be able to not only explain “what has happened”, but also “what could be expected to happen,” especially as any of these variables were to change. Awareness of the relative interplay between these variables on the final wear or structural life of specific components, and even on the system is extremely important.

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Cat Dozer Undercarriage Factors Important to Machine Production

  • Flotation— Choose a shoe width that provides adequate flotation, but not more than is needed. The narrowest shoe that provides adequate flotation will prevent the machine from sinking into the underfoot material.
  • Penetration-Traction— Additional shoe width does not provide greater penetration or traction and consequently does not increase production, assuming adequate flotation.
  • Maneuverability— Wide shoes increase turning resistance, making the machine harder to handle and decreasing productivity.
  • Versatility— Increased shoe width improves machine versatility by allowing it to work in both “hard” and “softer” underfoot conditions without losing flotation. Unfortunately, wider shoes accelerate wear and structural damage.
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All the Cat Bulldozer Undercarriage Parts You Need

If you have any questions or concerns about your Caterpillar Dozer undercarriage, please contact Wheeler Machinery Co. today.

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